14 Best Balance Sheet Templates for Excel

balance sheet template

Save this printable template as a year-by-year balance sheet, or easily customize it to be a day-by-day or month-by-month balance sheet. Enter projected figures to see your financial position compared to your financial goals. Taking steps to reduce accounts receivable and inventory levels increases available cash and makes it easier for your company to manage day-to-day business operations each month.

balance sheet template

A balance sheet is a financial
“snapshot” of your business at a given date in time. It includes your
assets and liabilities and tells you your business’s net worth. This statement is a great way to analyze a company’s financial position. An analyst can generally use the balance sheet to calculate a lot of financial ratios that help determine how well a company is performing, how liquid or solvent a company is, and how efficient it is.

Current/short-term liabilities

If the cash balance seems low, he checks accounts receivable to see if any large receivable balances are outstanding. After reviewing profitability, Joe takes a look at his cash balance by generating a balance sheet. To get an accurate look at cash, he reconciles the bank account and compares the cash balance to his average cash balances for the past 12 months.

Fortunately, many places and people are willing to help you learn, including your accountant, your bookkeeper (if you employ one and don’t do the books yourself), as well as the resources at SCORE. This is balance sheet template basically the amount left over when you subtract Total Liabilities from Total Assets. In includes the owner’s investment(s) and retained earnings (the portion of the profits reinvested in the business).

The Best Balance Sheet Template

However, there are several “buckets” and line items that are almost always included in common balance sheets. We briefly go through commonly found line items under Current Assets, Long-Term Assets, Current Liabilities, Long-term Liabilities, and Equity. To ensure the balance sheet is balanced, it will be necessary to compare total assets against total liabilities plus equity. To do this, you’ll need to add liabilities and shareholders’ equity together. The balance sheet format in excel is a great way to compare year-to-year financial information, as well as any fluctuations in net worth or assets. Choosing the excel balance sheet template is a great place to start, as it is a simple, straightforward and easily customizable company balance sheet.

balance sheet template

The next thing on the list after liabilities is the shareholder’s equity. Also referred to as net worth or net asset, a shareholder’s equity refers to the total amount of money attributable to the company’s owner. Put in simple terms, is the amount that the shareholder invested in the company during its formation. For instance, an investor can start a company and fund it with $5 million.

The hassle-free international business account.

The balance sheet template (Word, Excel, PDF) is an important financial template that is used to record the data into balance sheet. A small business balance sheet template is a statement of assets, liabilities, and equity. Monthly, quarterly, and annual balance sheets provide insight into gradual financial changes.

  • When it comes to accounting, creating financial reports with errors isn’t typically something you want to do.
  • This balance sheet template is useful for any industry, from marketing to real estate to IT.
  • FreshBooks provides a range of accessible and easily formattable balance sheet formats, so that you can fill in your financial details with ease.
  • It shows the balance between the company’s assets against the sum of its liabilities and shareholders’ equity — what it owns versus what it owes.
  • Enter your name and email in the form below and download the free template now!

A balance sheet is important because it provides business owners with a snapshot of what they own, the balances they owe, and how much their business is worth. Unfortunately, without further scrutiny into his balance sheet, Joe isn’t able to monitor his overall financial health at any given time. Just by taking a little time to delve into his balance sheet, Joe could solve many problems long before they damage his business — making this one of the best ways that Joe could use his time.

Completing the form will provide you with an accurate picture of your finances. A company’s balance sheet is one of three financial statements used to give a detailed picture of the health of a business. Investors and analysts will read the balance sheet alongside the income statement and cash flow statement, to evaluate the company’s overall financial position. Use this balance sheet for your existing businesses, or enter projected data for your business plan.

This is especially useful for people starting their own venture who find that the balance sheet format provides the information they most need to know. Spend less time crunching the numbers and more time on the things that matter. QuickBooks tracks and organizes all of your business’s accounting data, making it easy to access your balance sheet and other financial statements. Use this simple, easy-to-complete balance sheet template to determine your overall financial outlook. Enter the details of your current fixed and long-term assets and your current and long-term liabilities. The template will then calculate your resulting balance or net worth.

Any amount remaining (or exceeding) is added to (deducted from) retained earnings. This account includes the amortized amount of any bonds the company has issued. Current and non-current assets should both be subtotaled, and then totaled together. As with assets, liabilities can be classified as either current liabilities or non-current liabilities.

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